Down Memory Lane: Petrified Wood

(Note:  This picture may be enlarged by clicking on it using Control-click or right-click.)

Back in 2011 Betsy and I took our first trip out west.  Among the places we visited was the Petrified Forest National Park in Arizona.  I was impressed at the time with the examples of petrified wood that we saw, but recently, when reviewing some photos taken at the time, I became even more impressed with the detail and color of the petrified wood.

These first two pictures were taken in the Jasper Forest of the park.  In that section of the park erosion of high bluffs caused petrified logs to bear strewn across the valley floor.

These next two pictures show petrified wood from the Crystal Forest section of the park.  Here the petrified logs are very colorful due to glassy amethyst and quartz crystals that were embedded in the logs.  

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One Response to “Down Memory Lane: Petrified Wood”

  1. Lrong Says:

    Amazing colors… especially the ones from Crystal Forest….

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