Scenic Sunday #115: We Had to Settle for a Rainbow

Rainbow at Cumberland Falls State Park, Kentucky. September 25, 2010.

This is my post for the Scenic Sunday meme, which shares beautiful scenes from around the world.  To see more Scenic Sunday posts, or to join and show your own pictures, click HERE.

Betsy and I spent a couple of days in Kentucky enjoying the beautiful scenery and doing some hiking.  We first went to Cumberland Gap National Historical Park, where Tennessee, Kentucky and Virginia come together in the mountains.  We visited a historic community, enjoyed the view from the Pinnacle, and hiked along the Wilderness Road.

The reason we went to Kentucky when we did was we wanted to see the moonbow at Cumberland Falls State Park.  Cumberland Falls is one of two places in the world with a predictable moonbow.  A moonbow is a rainbow produced by the light of a full moon hitting mist rising from the base of the falls.  In order to get a moonbow, the moon has to be full and the sky clear.

As luck would have it, we were at Cumberland Falls on Friday night — a night with cloudy skies and a few sprinkles.  There was no moonbow that night, but we will probably go back in the future to try again.

Even though we did miss out on the moonbow, we did see this pretty rainbow when we visited the falls the next morning.  That was impressive enough to make up for the lack of a moonbow.

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17 Responses to “Scenic Sunday #115: We Had to Settle for a Rainbow”

  1. Karin Says:

    Glad you’re back safe and sound from your lovely week-end adventure! What a gorgeous capture of the rainbow – it’s fascinating how low it hangs over the water. Would you want to be scrambling on that hiking trail in the night to get a picture of the moon bow or is that spot for taking a pic accessible by car?

  2. ann chin Says:

    I didn’t know that rainbows light up the place too.

  3. Mildred Says:

    How special to see and capture this lovely rainbow – a special gift for you and Betsy. I look forward to you two going back to get that moonbow! Hopefully you are getting much needed rain at home now.

  4. Ginny Hartzler Says:

    Oh my gosh, it’s way down low over the water!! And you can see the whole arch and both ends, all of it! I’ve never seen anything quite like it!! FORGET the moonbow, God wanted you to have a better gift!!

  5. Darla Says:

    Never heard of a moonbow….this is a beautiful photo of the rainbow ! !

  6. Linda G. Says:

    I’ve never heard of a moonbow either; love the picture of the rainbow!

  7. Susie Says:

    I love to see rainbows in sprays like that. So pretty George. Glad ya’ll had a good time.

  8. bertN Says:

    I’ll settle for that rainbow, too. I never heard of a moonbow and I now that I do, I want to see one.

  9. busy bee suz Says:

    This is beautiful George.
    I have never heard of a moonbow….I hope you get to see it next time.

  10. happyone Says:

    Wow, what a cool shot of the rainbow so low like that. Terrific capture!!

  11. NCMountainwoman Says:

    Beautiful indeed.

  12. Ruth Hiebrt Says:

    This is very pretty.

  13. Mary Says:

    I’d say this rainbow is well worth the trip! Lovely! I’ve never heard of a moonbow before…how interesting.

  14. Fishing Guy Says:

    George: That is a special capture, love it.

  15. MaryBeth Says:

    Beautiful!!! MB

  16. Rose Says:

    I would love to have some of those rocks for my yard….the beautiful rainbow is a bonus.

  17. Kathy Ariano Says:

    Never had heard of a ‘moonbow’! How serendipitous was your spotting of the rainbow, though! WOW!

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