Our World: Bald River

Bald River Cascades, Cherokee National Forest, Tennessee.  July 25, 2013.

Bald River Cascades, Cherokee National Forest, Tennessee. July 25, 2013.

(Note:  All pictures may be enlarged by clicking on them.)

This is my post for the Our World meme.  This meme is a second generation of My World Tuesday created by Klaus Peter and is hosted by five wonderful ladies.  To learn more about our world or to join and share your part of the world, click HERE.

In late July Betsy and I took a day off from working in the yard and drove down to Tellico Plains and the Tellico River.  We drove along the  river until we came to Bald River Falls, where we hiked along Bald River above the falls.

When I experiment with trying to capture the motion of water in my photos, I usually take several shots at the same place with different exposures.  I often don’t know for sure what I get until I look at the pictures on my computer once I get home.

I took the photo above with a 5 second exposure, and the one below with an 8 second exposure.  While there is not much difference in the cascade itself, I was struck by the difference in the ripples below the large boulder on the right.

Bald River Cascades, Cherokee National Forest, Tennessee.  July 25, 2013.

Bald River Cascades, Cherokee National Forest, Tennessee. July 25, 2013.

I’m glad I decided to keep both versions.

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14 Responses to “Our World: Bald River”

  1. MadSnapper Says:

    i like the green lichen on the rocks and the whirlpool ripples

  2. rhiebert Says:

    Beautiful shots and yes,both are keepers.

  3. Ms. A Says:

    They look a little more pronounced in the second image. Both are beautiful and I love all the green surround them!

  4. dayphoto Says:

    I think you were able to capture the movement. The flow seems very fast in the last one.


  5. Blackberry Lane Says:

    Your water action photos are always marvelous. Interesting to compare the two!

  6. diane Says:

    Both beautiful shots. Everything sharp except the water. Well done!

  7. Gardener on Sherlock Street Says:

    What a pretty peaceful photo.

  8. Rose Says:

    They are both beautiful! (Sure wouldn’t mind if it was that time of year again, either.)

  9. Busy Bee Suz Says:

    I love them both George….you are the master with silky water!

  10. Linda at To Behold The Beauty Says:

    I always love your water photos, George. These are both beautiful.

  11. Karin Says:

    Fascinating results! Both are great shots!

  12. ladyfi Says:

    Really gorgeous shots of the river!

  13. MaryBeth Says:

    I like the way you made the water shimmer. Really nice shots. MB

  14. bertN Says:

    I like them both. I feel photographically inadequate with my point and shoot.

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