Down Memory Lane: The Teepees

(Note:  This picture may be enlarged by clicking on it using Control-click or right-click.)

Betsy and I took our first trip out west in 2011.  It was a new experience for both of us, and the landscape was completely different from the forested mountains we enjoy here in Tennessee.

We visited several national parks on that trip, including Petrified Forest/Painted Desert National Park in Arizona.  The colors in the rock formations were almost incredible, especially in the Teepees area of the park.  There layers of blue, purples and grays were created by iron, carbon, manganese and other minerals in the rock formations.

When viewed under a clear blue sky, the scene was one of incredible beauty.

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4 Responses to “Down Memory Lane: The Teepees”

  1. Dayphoto Says:

    And you stopped by here and saw us!!! YAY

  2. diane Says:

    The colours are amazing.

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