A (Late) Homage to Spring

(Note:  All pictures may be enlarged by clicking on them once or twice.)

I realize that I’m a little late in paying homage to the beauty of Spring around our house since the Cumberland Plateau is now experiencing summer-like temperatures. But Spring is a beautiful season and we love seeing the yard come alive with color.

Crocus are the first Spring blossoms to make an appearance. Since crocus are also a favorite menu item for the critters around here we don’t have many left, but the ones we do have are always welcome.

Daffodils come next, and since the critters don’t like them very much we have quite a few different varieties showing off in our flower beds.

The white Mount Hood daffodil is a favorite, and is always beautiful.

We’re never quite sure what to expect with tulips. Every critter in the area seems to love to snack on them. But we have had several flowers bloom, some with unusual shapes but beautiful colors.

Others have a more traditional shape, but are just as beautiful.

Sometimes the interior of a tulip blossom is as pretty as the exterior.

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9 Responses to “A (Late) Homage to Spring”

  1. jennjilks Says:

    Oh, I hear you. I did get tulips this year. I am amazed.
    Sadly, they’ve started on my hostas! Ah, well. They are pretty skinny deer.

  2. Betsy Says:

    Great homage to Spring…. Can’t believe we are having SUMMER weather in MAY…. Darn!!!!! BUT–I do like the sunshine these days better than all of the rain we have had…

    Thanks for sharing the BEAUTY.

  3. Dayphoto Says:

    You and Betsy have created a Garden of Eden!

  4. Ginny Hartzler Says:

    Good afternoon to my Master Gardener friend! The white tulip with purple edging may be my favorite, I have never seen one like it! It does not even look like a tulip! Running a close second is the sweet crocus.

  5. rhiebert Says:

    Thanks for the look back into spring. Each of these flowers is so beautiful. Now if only the critters would develop a different appetite.

  6. Jeevan Says:

    Lovely capture on the pretty colors/flowers spread on your yard! It’s never late or whatever the season spring has the essence of attraction.

  7. Suz Says:

    Your garden is just a beautiful buffet for all the neighborhood critters.

  8. Sartenada Says:

    Hello George.

    How lovely flower photos! Your photos made me very glad and hoping that within few days we will have real summer days!

    Have a good day!

  9. Great-Granny Grandma Says:

    Beautiful pictures.

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