Archive for September, 2013

Photographer At Work

September 16, 2013
Betsy in the Rose Garden, Biltmore House and Gardens, Asheville, North Carolina.  August 6, 2013.

Betsy in the Rose Garden, Biltmore House and Gardens, Asheville, North Carolina. August 6, 2013.

(Note:  All pictures may be enlarged by clicking on them once or twice.)

One of the nicest things about traveling with my Beautiful Bride is that I get to watch Betsy the Photographer at work.  That was the case when we visited the Rose Garden at Biltmore House and Gardens last month.

Betsy takes her photography very seriously — perhaps more seriously than I do.

Betsy in the Rose Garden, Biltmore House and Gardens, Asheville, North Carolina.  August 6, 2013.

Betsy in the Rose Garden, Biltmore House and Gardens, Asheville, North Carolina. August 6, 2013.

You could almost say that she throws herself into her work.

Paul Neyron Rose, Biltmore House and Gardens, Asheville, North Carolina.  August 6, 2013.

Paul Neyron Rose, Biltmore House and Gardens, Asheville, North Carolina. August 6, 2013.

But then the results of her dedication are absolutely beautiful.

Down Memory Lane: Mammoth Cave

September 13, 2013

2001 -- Mammoth Cave

(Note:  All pictures may be enlarged by clicking on them once or twice.)

In late April, 2001, Betsy and I spent the day at Mammoth Cave National Park in Kentucky.  I had been there many years before, but it was a special treat to go back with My Beautiful-Bride-To-Be.

We took the Historical Tour of the cave, and later walked through some of the woodland in the park.  We took a cruise on the Green River later in the day.

In the collage above, my Beautiful Betsy is on the upper left, and the Grand Avenue in Mammoth Cave is on the right.  At the bottom, from left to right, is the site of saltpeter mining in the cave, the stairway in Mammoth Dome, and a cable ferry across the Green River.

To see larger versions of these pictures and others, click HERE.

Our World: Where has George taken pictures?

September 9, 2013


(Note:  All pictures may be enlarged by clicking on them.)

This is my post for the Our World meme.  This meme is a second generation of My World Tuesday created by Klaus Peter and is hosted by five wonderful ladies.  To learn more about our world or to join and share your part of the world, click HERE.

As most of you know, I have been using a GPS tracker for the past few years when taking pictures while traveling.  The GPS tracker gives the GPS coordinates of the location where the photo was taken.

I’ve also started to go back and give the location of my archived older photos.  The locations are then plotted on Google Earth.

I recently noticed that I had photos in 300 ‘places’ around the world, as shown by the red pins on the image above.


That map of the world doesn’t look as if it has 300 pins on it.  But drilling down reveals more pins.  The top image has one pin for Hong Kong, but the closer view shows six separate pins in Hong Kong.


For some reason, the greatest concentration of red pins seems to be in the mountains of Tennessee, North Carolina and Georgia.  I wonder why that would be the case.