Archive for August, 2016

The Women in My Life

August 23, 2016


(Note:  All pictures may be enlarged by clicking on them once or twice.)

They say confession is good for the soul.  I hope ‘they’ are right, because I feel I really should confess about some of the ladies in my life.  If you go beyond this paragraph, however, you have to promise not to tell Betsy about my confession.

One of the first ladies I see each summer is Janice Brown.  She’s very pretty and perky, as you can tell by the photo above.

I must admit to being partial to blondes, and the bright yellow of Carolyn Criswell is always a delight to see.

Judith is somewhat shy, but she is always a joy to have around.

I have a great deal of Irish in me, so I suppose it’s natural that I’ve been drawn to Dublin Elaine.  In my mind there aren’t many like her in this world.

Of course it’s hard to think of the Irish without picturing fiery redheads.  Lady Lucille definitely fits that description.

Last, but not least, is Lady Elizabeth.  I suppose I shouldn’t feel too guilty about seeing her; after all Betsy’s first name is Elizabeth.

There — you have my confession.  I wonder when I’ll start to feel better?