Archive for April, 2019

A Visit with Great-Granddaughter

April 30, 2019

(Note:  All pictures may be enlarged by clicking on them once or twice.)

Betsy doesn’t get to see her great-granddaughter very often, so it’s a treat when we can visit with Vivi, a 15-month-old bundle of energy.

On this occasion Betsy gave Vivi a book, in which she quickly got interested.

Sometimes Vivi can be lost in thought, . . .

. . . but most of the time she is on the run.

Look out world, here she comes!

Down Memory Lane: Dublin

April 9, 2019

(Note:  All pictures may be enlarged by clicking on them once or twice.)

In May of 2002 I was working as a systems analyst at a plant fairly close to our home in Hendersonville, Tennessee. The plant was run by an Irish company, and I was sent by my boss to work on a software project at company headquarters in Dublin, Ireland.

Although my trip was definitely a business trip, I was put up at a very nice hotel on the outskirts of Dublin, as you can see from the photo above.

The hotel was far enough out of the city that I could get some nice views of the beautiful Irish countryside.

One evening after work an Irish colleague took me to dinner at an Irish pub and then on a quick tour of Dublin. One of the places we saw was Dublin Castle. We were able to get into the courtyard of the castle for a quick look-around. Bedford Hall (above) in the castle caught my attention.

After we left the courtyard we walked around the exterior of the castle for a few minutes.

Later, on a Dublin street, I saw this statue of Molly Malone. Of course, that reminded me of the song, which ran through my head for the rest of the night!

You can see additional pictures of my Dublin visit by clicking HERE.