Archive for January, 2016

Morning in the Glade

January 7, 2016

The break of day on Druid Hills Golf Course, Fairfield Glade, Tennessee.  January 5, 2016.

(Note:  All pictures may be enlarged by clicking on them once or twice.)

Betsy and I are making a conscientious effort to stay healthy.  Our plan involves watching what we eat and trying to get in at least one long walk six days pr week.

Neither of us particular enjoys walking along the roads (there are no sidewalks in our area), so we much prefer walking the golf course.  That usually means getting up early so we can get our walk in before the golfers arrive.

On a cold, winter morning that is not always something to look forward to.  It’s hard to get up while it’s still dark and start trudging up those hills.  But on some mornings — this past Tuesday, for example — we are struck by the peaceful beauty of the place we are fortunate enough to call home.