Archive for February, 2017

Flowing Water in the Smokies

February 7, 2017


(Note:  All pictures may be enlarged by clicking on them once or twice.)

Both Betsy and I have mentioned the extreme drought we had in this part of Tennessee during the latter part of 2016.  We haven’t completely recovered in spite of rains over the past few weeks, but the situation has certainly improved.

We weren’t sure what to expect when we visited the Smokies in mid-January of this year.  But we were happy to see water flowing in Middle Prong Little River in the Tremont area of the park, as can be seen in the photo above.  That’s Lower Spruce Flat Falls in the background.

We could even enjoy flowing water from the balcony of our room at Rocky Waters Inn in Gatlinburg.

The next day we went to the Greenbrier section of the park and hiked along Middle Prong Little Pigeon River.  It, too, was beautiful.


Although we very much enjoy hiking, sometimes we just have to sit and enjoy the beauty that surrounds us.