Archive for March, 2015

Spring Has Sprung

March 26, 2015

2015 -- FFG Spring Flowers (March Daffodils)

(Note:  All pictures may be enlarged by clicking on them once or twice.)

In the last few days we’ve had beautiful weather and Spring bulbs have burst into bloom.  We have several varieties of daffodils in our flower beds, and these have all brightened our days this week.

Unfortunately, we’re predicted to have two nights of below-freezing temperatures Friday and Saturday.  We can only hope we have some of these blossoms around on Sunday morning.

Our World: Trimming Damaged Trees

March 16, 2015
Can you see him up in the tree?  Getting damaged trees trimmed.  Fairfield Glade, Tennessee.  March 2, 2015

Can you see him up in the tree? Getting damaged trees trimmed. Fairfield Glade, Tennessee. March 2, 2015

(Note:  All pictures may be enlarged by clicking on them.)

This is my post for the Our World meme.  This meme is a second generation of My World Tuesday created by Klaus Peter and is hosted by three wonderful ladies.  To learn more about our world or to join and share your part of the world, click HERE.

In my last post, I told about the week of storms we had February 17 – 23.  If you missed that post, you can see it HERE.

Once we got our electricity back on, our biggest concern was the broken tree tops dangling from the trees around our house.  Fortunately we were able to get a crew to do the work very efficiently.

One of the men was apparently unafraid of heights (as you can see from the photo above), and scampered up to the breaks and began to cut them free so they could be lowered to the ground.  While he was up there he even admired the view he had of the mountains in the distance.  I was happy he was up the tree, and not me.

A closer look at the man in the tree.  March 2, 2015.

A closer look at the man in the tree. March 2, 2015.

He had to climb three trees to clean up all the breaks.  In each case the branches were lowered to the ground where they were cut into smaller pieces so they could be moved more easily.

The truck loaded with cut-up tree tops ready to be hauled away.  Fairfield Glade, Tennessee.  March 2, 2015.

The truck loaded with cut-up tree tops ready to be hauled away. Fairfield Glade, Tennessee. March 2, 2015.

Finally the smaller pieces were loaded onto their truck and hauled away.  As you can see, they had quite a load when they were finished.  Now it’s up to Betsy and me to get all the remaining small branches and twigs cleaned up.  I don’t think we’ll be bored.